SR. Prom 1969  Bev Edwards & Craig Miller ( Now her husband of 35 years)
Bev Edwards 1968
Bev Edwards 1969
Graduation Day,  June 8th 1969
Joan Graves 1969
Joy Ronge 1968
Brenda Dawson 1968
Linda West  1969
Larry Owen
Jean Swenson & Joan Graves
Climbing the famous trees outside of the girl's dorm...
Scott Mooney on sheets day
Jean Swanson does her May West act
Dave Surrency leaving Dorm Four
English Class
The Dorm Gang
David Donnelson
Gary Gray discovers new life forms in the Chem Lab...
Thank You Beverly Edwards
Pam Gerchow & Chris Nobbman
Ruth Jordon
Terry Ford and Angela Pardoe,  both class of 1971